Thursday, July 19, 2007

Day 4

My official marathon training started this week. 16 weeks of running, sweating, advil popping, complaining, aching and always being tired. Sounds fun, huh! I have done it twice and it is so funny that the hard part of the marathon is the training for me not necessarily the 26.2 mile run. That is not to say its easy but keeping my head in it for the few months of training, ignoring the fatigue in my body, and getting up so early to get it done before my hubby leaves for work is the hard part for me. On the up side the final days of those 16 weeks, marathon day are definately some of my proudest for me. Here is a LO to help me remember how great it felt the last time. My SIL Teresa also ran it with me, nice to have a buddy when the going gets tough. LOL


edith turk said...


ellen s. said...

i am so jealous! is that weird? i told my husband and best friend this past weekend that when i have this baby i am running marathon..i have always wanted too! save one for next year too, we can do it together!

merrymstamper said...

yay, Mimi!!! love your perseverence and determination!!! you go girl!

Karen said...

What a great entry, and LO, You go girl!!!

Melanie said...

What a great accomplishment! Your page is wonderful, too. Good luckand have fun!

jadadog said...

you can do it! Twice before, third times the charm! You go Girl!!!

Trish said...

Go Mimi!!!!! You can do it!

Great LO's!

Also, congrats on the DT!

Rachael said...

Yay, Mim!!!! Congrats on the DT and woohoo on the running!! I admire you for that!!

Great layout too!

Anonymous said...

Go Mimi Go!!!! You are so amazing.

Casey Rivas said...

Great layout and entry! I've always wanted to run a marathon- you have inspired me in knowing that it can be done!